As far as fencing around the poolside is concerned, homeowners have numerous very robust and affordable options to choose from. Still, it has been noticed that most of them prefer glass fences Sydney and this is mainly because of the benefits or unique features that this version has.

Here in this post, we will go through some top features that make glass fences Sydney so popular across the region.Glass Fences Sydney Are Aesthetically Pleasing:

  • These glass fences Sydney are found in two types and whether you choose frameless and semi-frameless version, you will find both of them really aesthetically pleasing to your eyes.
  • Both of them are absolutely transparent, thereby making sure that an invisible safety barrier is there to protect your kids and ensure at the same time that the looks and uninterrupted views are not disturbed at all.

Glass Fences Sydney Are Very Strong:

  • Upon going through some specifications related to glass fences Sydney, you will come to know about the robustness, strength and durability of these installations.
  • This strength comes from the fact that as a part of installation, you get 12-18mm wide toughened glass panes that are very firmly attached to very strong stainless steel spigots that are attached firmly to the ground.
  • With this set-up, you will feel the strength just by the looks because the glass panes are tough enough to withstand cracking even if someone falls against it.

Low in Maintenance

  • Another very interesting point is that these glass fences Sydney do not require any aggression in terms of maintenance.
  • This is seen in several other types of pool fencing that will require regular cleaning, then painting, anti-warping treatment and so on, but with glass fences Sydney, a simple washing every fortnight will do the needed.
  • Moreover, glass makes a good windbreak, keeping out the cool wind while it lets the sun through and because of this, you may find that this extends the use of the pool into cooler months.
  • Lastly, this also deserves a mention here that glass fences Sydney are approved for pool fence as it meets all the Australian safety standards deemed necessary for such a fence.